
Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant

Raise your vibration – Connect with your Guardian Angel

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant
A consultation can be an opportunity to elevate your vibration and connect with your Guardian Angels. Ring me today for your appointment.


Mediumship A Enlightening Process

A Heart to Heart enlightening process.

Time and time again I see, hear and feel hearts become lighter after a Mediumship consult bringing through a loved one who has passed.

Need some assistant contact me today for your personal consultation.

Clairvoyance, Mediumship and Intuition

Clairvoyance, Mediumship and Intuition     
Many people give a lot of focus to their future – dreaming of the fairytale love of their life, romance, wedding, successful career, financial abundance, loving family and friends etc.

Life isn’t doesn’t always run in straight lines and many times we have to stop, pause and reflect on our present circumstances. Pause, reflect and slow down and give focus to our past before we can move forward – as painful as that can be sometimes.

Especially if we haven’t always enjoyed a fruitful past perhaps we need to ask ourselves ‘why’?

What do we need to change, look at differently, give blessings too, so we may grow and change. When we get the benefits, the insights from what we are experiencing and learning then we can see, grow, spiritually mature and expand our horizons to move onto a more focused positive future!

Need some assistance today – contact me for your appointment, insights and reading delivered with intuitive insights, wisdom and clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Psychic, Intuitive Counselling

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Psychic, Intuitive Counselling –

When you come to see me Spirit will

come through in all these areas.

A kaleidoscope of different areas of your life and your life’s journey will be expanded upon giving further insights, clarity, understanding and direction.

To make your appointment contact me today for your reading before the Christmas break.



– Received through your third eye, mind’s eye or also known as the brow chakra is the place between your eyebrows.

This energy centre when open allows the universal energy to flow and connect to your spirit guides.

You can then receive messages in form of visions, images or messages.

These messages aren’t visible to the real world. The messages relate to the past, present and or future possibilities.

Need some spiritual assistance contact me today for your psychic, clairvoyance and or mediumship reading

Messages of Sacred Totem Animals ‘The Eagle’

Messages of Sacred Totem Animals

‘The Eagle’ – One of the greatest

and most admired birds of prey and an inspiration to many societies.

They soar high in the skies above, they have excellent vision, great strength and power. They are excellent hunters.

They symbolically represent great power – Illumination of Spirit, Healing and Creation.

If this symbol is speaking to you ask yourself what within you is needing to awake – what needs illuminating, needs being heard, needs to be seen, needs support or perhaps requires healing?

What do you need take charge of?

What area of your life do you need to harness your power and be responsible for?

The Eagle will assist you in a heightened responsibility for your spiritual growth so you can move forward with vision.

Maybe it is time to harness your power, spread your wings and fly?

Contact me today for your consultation.

#4 Into the Light – Morning of Mediumship

Come join Di of Inspired by Spirit                                     

Chris of Gawler Healing Arts Hub – Director
and Spirit on

When: Friday the 21st of September,
at 9.45 for at 10am start –
duration 2 hours and 30 mins
inc. a cuppa and nibbles $50.00

Where: Gawler Healing Arts Hub (upstairs) over Gawler Florist Gallery – 61 Murray Street, Gawler

Ring Chris to secure your seat – 0432118040

Look forward to seeing and being the voice of Spirit
for our group on the day

Or Contact Di for a personal appointment 

Spiritual Gifts

We all have them!    

Some of us have well developed gifts and others of us have are still unwrapping our gifts and just peeping in!

Need some assistance with understanding your gifts, developing your abilities and/or a personal psychic, clairvoyant, mediumship reading.

Contact me now for your intuitive insights.

Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Psychic Readings

Each and everyone of us has a 6th sense,     

an inbuilt guidance system called Intuition. Sometimes we get caught up in doubt, lack confidence, overuse our logic, get caught up in fear and we can all get caught up in 2nd guessing ourselves in trying to please others – that’s when we may need a little outside assistance to gain clarity and guidance.


Need a little assistance – contact me now for your psychic reading!

Mediumship Events – ‘Into the Light’


‘Into the Light’ events Mediumship program – if you wish to participate… Contact Christine Sheeky of Gawler Healing Arts Hub on facebook to register your interest or ring on 0432118040.

For a personal appointment contact Di – Medium of Inspired by Spirit direct…

The following comments and photo’s are a reflection of people coming together in a mutual heartfelt safe space and receiving messages of validation, love and healing from their loved-ones in Spirit through channeled messages – Mediumship. The candles we lit in respect and honour for each Spirit who attended and passed on their messages!

Comments of Gratitude to date from the Mediumship ‘Into the Light’ events …

‘Thank you for the beautiful experience’ xxx Julie

‘Thank you for the validation’…Mel Continue reading