Chakra Balancing

A follow-up to my blog,  An Expression of Freedom through Illness.

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What is Chakra balancing?

Well we all know that we have a physical body composed of major organs, muscles, blood, bones, skin, hair, hormones, nerves etc.

Did you know we also have an energetic body or aura, besides a physical body, which from time to time may become blocked, clogged, weighed down emotionally or just plain rusty which then may require clearing, cleansing and balancing.

Our energy body or aura consists of Chakras. The term Chakras is an old ancient Indian Sanskrit word referring to invisible energy wheels of light.

This system is energetically connected to the Universe, Source, the Cosmos, Grace or the Divine through our Crown Chakra.

And just as our physical bodies requires health checks, tune-ups, purification, detoxification and support nutritionally from time to time, so does our energetic body.

During a Chakra balance I, (Di) will check on the health of the 7 main chakras within your aura or energetic body.

With the use of a crystal pendulum, which is a tool for measuring the energy within the chakra I will determine if your energy is low or even over-energised.

Imbalances can create all sorts of problems and challenges for you!

For example if the heart chakra (which traditionally presents as a pink or green colour) is blocked it may relate to physical health matters such as heart, lung, arm, chest, breast, shoulder or upper back problems.

Perhaps on an emotional level you have experienced grief, un-forgiveness, a relationship breakdown, trust issues or a wound or fear of some description that has not healed which may also create a blocked heart chakra.

This simple beautiful gentle method of healing takes an hour. During which time I measure, clear and balance your energetic centres.

Quite often I find I am relaying beautiful messages from your Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and sometimes loved ones who have passed during our time together. The messages come through as loving guidance, comfort and of assistance for those seeking.

Feedback I have received from clients is one of relaxation, peace and joy. Providing a sense of new-found freedom, energetic vibrancy and a greater connection to their lives.

To experience this for your self please contact me, Di Goulding at Inspired by Spirit on 85230559.

My training in this area has come from a 5 day Intensive Clairvoyant Healing Course with Belinda Grace, Clairvoyant Healer and author of  best-selling books You are Clairvoyant, You are Inspired and You are Abundant.

For further information please contact me.   You can also read my testimonial page for further enlightenment.

I continually say to my clients if you take one step towards the Universe it will take 10 steps towards!

Contact me now for your clairvoyant spiritual consult, psychic reading, intuitive insights and angelic connections

delivered with

Love and Light

Di Goulding

Clairvoyant    Energy Healer

Medium      Psychic


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