6th sense

Intuition, Clairvoyance, Psychic Abilities, 6th Sense

Horses and more horses!

are all links, connections and communication with the Universe, higher consciousness, Divine Guidance, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides!

Each and every moment is a new opportunity waiting for you to connect, trust and act on your personal truth and direction.

To expand your intuition, you need to give yourself permission to move away from your logic and your judgment.

Our logic, albeit essential, has a good way of squashing our intuition.

Justification and denial tend to dominate and dismiss our intuitive thoughts as pure imagination or fantasy. Judgment of self and others will only damage this journey to opening to intuition and further limitless opportunities.

Time invested into imagination through meditation, walking, soaking in the bath, being creative will provide dividends in nurturing and developing your intuition.

My suggestion is to buy a pack of Angel cards. Start talking to your guides, ask questions, and invest time into your intuitive energy.

My Experience:

In 1992 I attended a 3-day course in Queensland, called Mind-Tec.

The object of the course was to realize how powerful our minds were.

‘That thoughts are things’, vibrations that we put out there!

Thoughts that ultimately create our reality! Also how we are all inter-connected! About the Law of Attraction!

It was the last afternoon of the workshop and I felt the need to go outside Continue reading