
Chakra Balancing

A follow-up to my blog,  An Expression of Freedom through Illness.

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What is Chakra balancing?

Well we all know that we have a physical body composed of major organs, muscles, blood, bones, skin, hair, hormones, nerves etc.

Did you know we also have an energetic body or aura, besides a physical body, which from time to time may become blocked, clogged, weighed down emotionally or just plain rusty which then may require clearing, cleansing and balancing.

Our energy body or aura consists of Chakras. The term Chakras is an old ancient Indian Sanskrit word referring to invisible energy wheels of light. Continue reading

The Healing Code

The Healing Code

Written by Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson.

When Dr. Alex Loyd began a quest to find a solution to his wife’s depression I am sure he never anticipated the journey it would take him on.

In that quest for health and true healing he discovered a practical Energy Healing Code that anyone can subscribe too!

A simple 6-minute hand movement technique – which is the Healing Code itself, accompanied by what I have coined an Action Prayer or a Healing Intent, Continue reading