
A Horsey story with an Intuitive Twist!

Horses and more horses!

Horses and more horses!

Intuition an opportunity, a link to your higher consciousness, Divine Guidance, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides.

This year, 2011 is a wonderful opportunity to connect to your intuition and inner guidance.

Each and every moment is a new opportunity waiting for you to connect, trust and act on your personal truth.

To expand your intuition, you need to give yourself permission to move away from Continue reading

A Simple Creative Visualization Meditation

Release your dream wrapped in a pink bubble or balloon!This meditation is easy and wonderfully effective!

Step One – remove or turn off any distractions.

Step Two – sit or lie down, make yourself comfy, in a quiet space.

Step Three –Close your eyes and breathe deeply, slowly and naturally.

Allow yourself to gradually relax into a deeper state of peace and serenity.

Step Four – Imagine something that you would like to manifest. Continue reading

Meditation a great way to reduce Stress

The key to meditation I find is consistency.

Whether you practice it for 5 minutes a day or an hour.

It is you practicing it on a daily basis is what is important! Continue reading