
Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader

Love is the Master Key.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader
Whatever door you wish to go through in 2020 is going require a key. Perhaps its the door to self- discovery, a new direction in life, universal knowledge, a key to unlocking your heart, health, wealth and happiness. The master key is always love. Need a little assistance to find the right key , the right support for the direction you wish to venture into?

Contact Di today for your Inspired by Spirit consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader

Opening new doors

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader
The Earth is our School, the opportunity we have taken on to learn, grow and evolve as Souls. Sometimes we need to stop, pause, reflect and open to new information for our future spiritual journeys. Need some time out to reflect and listen to the counsel of your spirit guides?

Contact Di today for your Inspired by Spirit consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader

Opening new doors!

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
2020 is a year reflecting vision of clarity to me marking a new decade of truth, honesty, forward movements and fresh starts. What doors in your life do you need to open, perhaps close and give attention too?

Need a little assistance, contact Di for your Inspired by Spirit consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader

Balance is key!

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader
Balance can be tricky in life! Without balance we can find ourselves leading lives that are deficient and lacking stability. Without effort, without risk, without faith – balance will elude us.

If you need some support to bring back balance into your life contact Di of Inspired by Spirit for your consultation to assist in restoring your sense of who you are and the direction you are taking!

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Angel Readings

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Sometimes we need to look deep within the framework of our souls to find the clarity we are looking for. Need a little assistance this year to
connect to spirit and what you truly need to focus on.

Contact me today for your Inspired by Spirit consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reader

Vibrations, Thoughts and Prayers.

Happy New Year everyone. Hope it’s a joyous, happy, healthy, abundant new year for one and all. I am certainly putting this vibration out there for all my family, friends and clients.

If you need some assistance with your intentions, goals or need to make a spiritual connection contact Di today – for your Inspired by Spirit consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Angel Readings

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Angel Readings
Is your life spiralling upward and onward? Or is your life spiralling out of control? It may be time to take a breath, find balance and reassess your current situation. It may be the perfect opportunity to stop and reflect in which direction you are moving!

For a Inspired by Spirit consultation with Di contact me today for your appointment.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reading

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Sometimes we just need to pause and re-evaluate the light that shines within.

If your light needs a bolster perhaps this is the time to organise your spiritual consultation with Di of Inspired by Spirit.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Sometimes the Angelic support you are looking for is right there! A feather, a butterfly, a rainbow, in a recent consult with a client it was a connection of a leaf. My client absolutely loves their garden and is a real greenie. Sometimes subtle, other times signs turn up in the most expected ways.

Need a little assistance today with connecting to your Spirit Guides contact me for your Inspired by Spirit Consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Angel Readings

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Angel Readings
Let the light of the Universe shelter you, protect and guide you. Need a little assistance with hearing your inner guidance.

Contact Di today for your Inspired by Spirit consultation. It may just change your life.