Spiritual Travellers Return Home
Touching base after my hubby Len and I return from our
travels throughout the West Coast of America.
The Grand Canyon one of my favourite places in the USA.
I looked forward to this part of the trip more than any other destinations.
I was not disappointed, the grand majestic landscape and the spiritual grandeur was all embracing.
There was definitely a warm welcome from the American Indian Spiritual realm visually and emotionally!
Intuition, Clairvoyance, Psychic Abilities, 6th Sense
are all links, connections and communication with the Universe, higher consciousness, Divine Guidance, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides!
Each and every moment is a new opportunity waiting for you to connect, trust and act on your personal truth and direction.
To expand your intuition, you need to give yourself permission to move away from your logic and your judgment.
Our logic, albeit essential, has a good way of squashing our intuition.
Justification and denial tend to dominate and dismiss our intuitive thoughts as pure imagination or fantasy. Judgment of self and others will only damage this journey to opening to intuition and further limitless opportunities.
Time invested into imagination through meditation, walking, soaking in the bath, being creative will provide dividends in nurturing and developing your intuition.
My suggestion is to buy a pack of Angel cards. Start talking to your guides, ask questions, and invest time into your intuitive energy.
My Experience:
In 1992 I attended a 3-day course in Queensland, called Mind-Tec.
The object of the course was to realize how powerful our minds were.
‘That thoughts are things’, vibrations that we put out there!
Thoughts that ultimately create our reality! Also how we are all inter-connected! About the Law of Attraction!
It was the last afternoon of the workshop and I felt the need to go outside Continue reading
More than Coffee – No. 4 – *May Update*
Great Morning with 5 participants.
Five ladies enjoying each others company, sharing spiritual insights, direction, heavenly nibbles and beverages supplied by Conversations Cafe, in Murray Street, Gawler. A big Thank you to Mignon and staff.
Being ‘Inspired by Spirit’ ‘More than Coffee’ is about ‘life, new directions, greater possibilities, opening up to intuition, clairvoyance, angels, mediumship, covering areas of career, family, relationships, lifestyles and healing’.
Woohoo! Lots of fun, laughter, spiritual insights…..
so much happening! Spirit providing messages of love, wisdom, encouragement, support and healing! Continue reading
‘More than Coffee’ – No. 3 ‘Update’
Great Morning with 4 participants.
Four ladies enjoying each others company, sharing spiritual insights, direction, heavenly nibbles and beverages supplied by Conversations Cafe, in Murray Street, Gawler. Thank you Mignon and staff.
Being Inspired by Spirit about ‘life, new directions, opening up to intuition, angels, new possibilities as to life, career and healing’.
……… ‘Sssh It’s a Secret’
Did you know you are a ‘Soul’ having a ‘Human Experience’?
Have you ever considered your time here on Earth as an opportunity to grow and advance as a ‘Soul’?
Think of Earth as a school, a University and you are enrolled in a course called ‘Life’? ‘Life’ being opportunity to grow through spiritual challenges and physical experiences! ‘Earth’ provides the classroom on a worldwide stage through many different backgrounds, cultures, opportunities and diversities.
In this Course named ‘Life’ you start off in kindergarten! And as you progress you learn, grow and evolve through spiritual awareness, personal challenges and education. And eventually you advance to University.
However, just like me if you are reading this blog you are still studying and learning in this course called ‘Life’ that you are enrolled in!
More than Coffee – No. 2
Another inspirational morning shared by beautiful souls! Spirit provided a very different ‘More than Coffee’ morning on Tuesday morning just gone – the 18th of March, 2014. Being a small group it was intimate, relaxed and ‘Spirit’ held a space of ‘Love’ in a safe, friendly environment. It felt like old friends catching up for a cuppa……. We shared heavenly nibbles, the celebration of life through the lens of experience, wisdom, laughter, Divine Guidance and a sprinkle of Universal Healing for both the Heart and Soul! If you would like Continue reading
More than Coffee *Update*
More Than Coffee
If you would like to join me for an ‘Inspired by Spirit’ morning
of ‘More Than Coffee’ at Conversations Café on each 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 10.30am for a 2 hour session of coffee, nibbles, Spiritual Insights, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Angelic Guidance and Messages from beyond.
This is new and exciting format, and something that ‘Spirit’ has been encouraging me to do for some time. Continue reading
I Love Spirit
Di’s Experience
Spirit has a beautiful way of presenting channelled information to me during consults. Always delivered with compassion, understanding, guided insights, options, wrapped in love with a sprinkle of laughter!
I receive lots of visuals – a little like watching TV really! Known as Clairvoyance!
Spirit sharpens my intuitive senses through smells and tastes – e.g. cigarette smoke, the aroma of a rose or the taste of warm apple pie – YUM!
Including heightening my sense of feeling to the point of receiving physical aches and pains of the person who has passed. Known as Clairsentience!
And of course I hear ‘Spirit’. Known as Clairaudience!
For many years I use to ‘hear’ the word ‘LISTEN’. Continue reading
Naked Crabs
Happy 2014 everybody! Hope you all had a good Xmas.
We spent some wonderful time at Port Hughes with friends.
We walked along the jetty and saw many people catching Crabs.
And as a result Spirit has been nudging me to share this story of life and wisdom.
Hoping that it will assist you in some way, as it has me! Enjoy!
Naked Crabs
At the seashore, every pool and puddle left by the retreating tide seems to have a crab in it. Little ones scuttle sideways, squeezing under rocks, peering from a patch of seaweed, occasionally venturing out to nibble on unwary human toes.
On the beach, shells of crabs’ lie washed up by waves. Some are from crabs that died. Others are simply discarded; a dwelling too small for it’s growing occupant. That’s how crabs grow bigger – when their shells get too tight, they split the shell open and they grow a new one. Continue reading