
Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Reading

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Sometimes we just need to pause and re-evaluate the light that shines within.

If your light needs a bolster perhaps this is the time to organise your spiritual consultation with Di of Inspired by Spirit.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Sometimes the Angelic support you are looking for is right there! A feather, a butterfly, a rainbow, in a recent consult with a client it was a connection of a leaf. My client absolutely loves their garden and is a real greenie. Sometimes subtle, other times signs turn up in the most expected ways.

Need a little assistance today with connecting to your Spirit Guides contact me for your Inspired by Spirit Consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Angel Readings

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant and Angel Readings
Let the light of the Universe shelter you, protect and guide you. Need a little assistance with hearing your inner guidance.

Contact Di today for your Inspired by Spirit consultation. It may just change your life.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

Egypt a land of intrigue and spiritual mysteries.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Egypt one of the most intriguing and mysterious places on Earth. A world where you I found my intuitive and psychic gifts stretched and expanded to new horizons. Where do you need to stretch your boundaries, connect the dots and invest in your intuitive, spiritual insights? Need a little assistance with your spiritual compass.

Contact me today for Inspired by Spirit consultation and see how it changes your life and life’s direction.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

Time to Stop and smell the Roses.

Psychic, Mediumship, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Time to stop and smell the roses. We are all so busy these days, well I know I am and sometimes we just need to stop and pause. To take time out to just be. And during those times thats when we still our very busy minds and schedules we have the opportunity to connect to spirit. To listen and hear our intuition, our direct connections with loved one’s who have passed, our guardian angels. Need a little assistance.

Contact Di today for your Inspired by Spirit consultation – it will change your life.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings


Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Ask yourself when was the last time you just stopped to still your mind? Stop and connect with nature, to listen to your heart’s intuitive thoughts and callings? Need some time to connect to your Guardian Angels and loved one’s in spirit?

Contact Di today at Inspired by Spirit because they are just a thought away.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

Rest, Reflect and Pause!

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
Time to pause, reflect, and invest in your spiritual life? Need a little assistance with your life’s direction and guidance.

Contact Di from Inspired by Spirit for your life changing consultation.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

Light a Candle and clear your Mind!

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings…

I constantly hear from clients that time is such an issue for them. So when you make an appointment with me it is an opportunity take time out to light a candle, hear and clear your mind and listen to your heart! I have always believed we need to take good care of our hearts wishes, desires, callings – as truly for that is where our soul resides. So please take good care of yourself physically, listen to your heart, trust and follow your intuitive feelings.

If you need a little assistance contact me for your Inspired by Spirit consultation it will help you with your life’s direction and your souls purpose.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

‘Ah Serenity’!

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings
I am not sure about anybody else however for me this week has been a little good crazy. Booked out with clients, out three nights in a row learning new personal and divination skills. Going out to tea with my dear friend and then together attending our friends beautiful book launch. And the week is far from over with a busy social weekend catchup with family and friends upon us. I’m not sure if other people are finding or experiencing similar events at present? So when I saw this beautiful picture of the buddha sitting quietly in a garden of serenity, I said ‘yes’ I just need to pause and catch my breath, ground myself and bring the elements of spring into my psyche. Even if it is just for a few fleeting minutes of quietness, meditation, internal focus and grounding. I constantly hear from clients that time is such an issue for them. So when you make an appointment with me it is an opportunity take time out to hear and clear your mind and listen to your heart! I have always believed we need to take good care of our hearts wishes, desires, callings – as truly for that is where our soul resides. So please take good care of yourself physically, listen to your heart and trust your intuitive feelings.

If you need a little assistance contact me for your Inspired by Spirit consultation it will help you with your life’s direction and your souls purpose.

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

A Bouquet of Flowers for you!

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Angel Readings

What is your calling card from Heaven? Mine is a single red rose! Sometimes Heavens sends a bouquet.

A mutual love of red roses with my Dad has become my signature calling card from Spirit.

For many clients I consult with it may be a butterfly, or a rainbow, a particular flower, bird or a loved pet – dog, cat etc.

Pay attention to what shows up in your life when Heaven is trying to get your attention and validate their attendance, love and support in your life!

Need some assistance to hear, see, feel Spirits presence contact me today for your Inspired by Spirit consultation.