Psychic Reading

Being Psychic

Some people are skeptical of such possibilities. I usually find it’s the people who have not had any such experience. The usual is to chalk it up to coincidence, accident, chance, irony or imagination!

Please Remember:
Imagination is Food for the Soul.

And you are Soul having a Human Experience, expanding and evolving through a Spiritual Journey!                                                                             

The 3 Sisters

The 3 Sisters

Total denial or dismissals of extraordinary clairvoyant experiences are sometimes easier to justify than the existence of this phenomenon. A lack of understanding, knowledge, denial, fear, faith and education usually surrounds these responses.

If you have had a psychic experience you will understand, and be able to resonate with what I am saying!

You don’t need proof, you will just know!

My Story 

Fourteen years ago a friend and I went to the Blue Mountains, New South Wales for a full weekend of meditation. Sunday night came and the other lovely people left. It was a public holiday in South Australia the next day and we allowed our-selves a day for sightseeing, before departing early on Tuesday.

My friend commented that I was not my normal self that day?

She asked me if there was anything wrong? Continue reading

An Interview with a Gawler Medium

The World of Spirit


Q.  What are the benefits of coming to see a Medium?

A. Firstly because of the nature of the work I provide.

I act as channel bridging a gap between this world and the next.

Q.  How do I know that you and the information is genuine?

A.   It doesn’t long to work out that the information is accurate and how it connects to you or your family.

For instance the soul who has passed may show a familiar scene. Continue reading