
#4 ‘Into the Light’ – Mediumship Event

Come join – Christine Sheeky of Gawler Healing Arts Hub – Host

and myself – Di of Inspired by Spirit – Medium for a morning of group Mediumship Readings in a relaxed warm inviting atmosphere.

Receive messages from Spirit – your loved ones who wish to connect with you…

Where: Gawler Healing Arts Hub, 61 Murray Street, Gawler (upstairs over the florist)

When: Friday – 21st of September, 2018

Time: 9.45am for a 10.00am start to 12.30pm

Investment: $50.00 (inc. a cuppa and nibbles)

Contact: Christine Sheeky to book your seat/s and prepay on 0432 118 040

Contact me now to either register your interest for the next Into the Light event or for your own personal appointment with me ‘Di’ – through Inspired by Spirit.


Soul Talks – Gawler – Free

You’re invited to the Inaugural Adelaide North Soul Talk!
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A first for Gawler + free to attend

Promoting self healing

Tuesday 24th July 2018
9:30am – 3:45pm
Gawler Healing Arts Hub
Clock Tower building, Main St, Gawler


9.30 am
Registration & Welcome Opening

9.45 am
The Soul Talks Charity—Who are we and What is our Purpose? — Anne Rodgers

Anne is a board member of Soul Talks Incorporated. She is a mindfulness practitioner and Hatha Yoga teacher. Her background is in business and marketing.

10.15 am

10.30 am
How I Healed my Life — Christine Sheeky
Christine is a Reiki Master, Massage Therapist, Intuitive healer and owner/director of the Gawler Healing Arts Hub. Her personal story is compelling. She survived domestic violence and childhood sexual abuse and designed the Soul Goddess Workbook.

11.30 am
Preventing Death Anxiety — Joy Nugent, Patron of Soul Talks and retired palliative care RN 
Joy strongly believes that if we get death right we get life right. She is the author of three books: As Good As Goodbyes Get—a Window into Death and Dying, My Way—One Nurse’s Passion for End of Life and Parting the Veil—Reflections on Soul

12.30 pm

1.30 pm
Inspired by Spirit — Di Goulding 
Di is a medium/psychic/clairvoyant and energy healer. She will share how the Universe had a different plan for her life than she did. For many years Di trained and worked as a naturopath. All those who experience her gift are amazed.

2.30 pm

2.45 pm 
Connecting with Your Authentic Self — Michael Evans from Mindful Ways Services 
Michael’s journey has taken him from working in a blast furnace Whyalla, to youth worker for Red Cross, being a mindfulness practitioner for parenting programs in the Barossa and groups in prisons. He currently consults one to one and for corporate groups.


Bookings essential by email:
Christine Sheeky

More events at


The vision of Soul Talks Australia is to promote and encourage integrative doctors and allied healing practitioners to include the importance of the deeper layers of consciousness, the role of energy medicine and soul needs in their practice.

“It was so wonderful to meet so many like-minded individuals in one spot.
I came away inspired and so appreciative to you for having the creative insight to facilitate such a powerful group who all speak their truth.
I have been attempting to get to them for a while.”

— A Soul Talks attendee
Copyright © 2018 Soul Talks, All rights reserved.

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Your Intuition is your inbuilt guidance system

Your Intuition is your inbuilt guidance system                                      

to assist you to make those decisions, choices with confidence and with love.

I know personally how challenging that can be.

Logic, impatience, negative emotions, fear, desperation, not trusting, pressure from others, not seeing a bigger picture can all get in the way of listening to your intuition.

Being a very logical person and being a very intuitive person at the same time can be more than challenging!

However over the years my intuition which sometimes stretches the boundaries of logic has always served me well!

Need some assistance – contact me today!

#2 ‘Into the Light’

‘An Morning of                                                                

Into the Light

Into the Light


#2 ‘Into the


Messages of Love, Comfort, Validation, Healing, Spiritual Guidance and Intuitive Insights from Spirit…

Loved Ones who are no longer in this physical/earth plane wishing to contact you!

Come join Di, Chris and Spirit

at Christine Sheeky’s new Gawler Healing Arts Hub for an evening of Mediumship.


Medium: Di Goulding of Inspired by Spirit

– Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Energy Healer


Where: Gawler Healing Arts Hub


Location: The Clock Tower – upstairs    

above the Gawler Flower Gallery

61 Murray Street, Gawler


When: Friday the 29th of June, 2018


Time: 10.15am for a 10.30am start


Cost: $50.00 *inc. a cuppa and a biscuit


Contact: Christine Sheeky – Director of Gawler Healing Arts Hub for reservations and payment  – 0432118040

Looking forward to meeting, connecting and seeing you there –

                                                        With Light, Love and Spirit!

Mediumship, Spirit and the Stamp of Approval!

An Evening of Mediumship – Into the Light

Recently my friend Chris from Gawler Healing Arts Hub and I had just finished an evening of Mediumship

‘Into the Light’ in her new studio above the florist in Murray Street, Gawler.Gawler Healing Arts Studio - upstairs for 'Into the Light' Mediumship event

Everyone else had left and we were quietly packing up and about to walk down stairs together when there was a loud distinct noise coming from the floor below?

We just looked at each other – and there it was again the same loud noise repeating clearly at the least 6 times – distinctly and continuously as we walked down the stairs.

Chris turned to me and asked what is that and I found myself saying it is someone stamping!

It sounded like someone had a large stamp and was just continuously stamping papers or envelopes. Considering the building’s history was originally associated with the postal services it made sense.

More than interesting once I said it – It stopped!

‘Maybe he was giving us the Stamp of Approval’….lol!!         

Perhaps Spirit was satisfied with the ‘Into the Light’ evening?

Perhaps it stopped because we had heard the noise – identified the activity and acknowledged their presence!

Need some spiritual assistance ‘contact me now’ for your consultation.

Or you may wish to book your seat attendance for one of my ‘Into the Light’ mediumship sessions.

Ring Christine on 0432118040 to book your seat at our next ‘Into the Light’ event on Friday the 29th of June at 10.15am for 10.30am. 


Into the Light – Mediumship Update

A big thank you to Spirit

and our host – Christine of Gawler Healing Arts Hub and the 12 wonderful participates who attended and supported last nights Mediumship event ‘Into the Light’.

We started the evening with a Candle Lighting Ceremony as an invitation and a acknowledgement to Spirit to join us

Well Spirit came flowing through with messages of laughter, past experiences, love, tear jerking memories, special moments and connections.  

As the evening progressed we lit a tea candle for each loved one who came ‘Into the Light’ – to  acknowledge heart-felt respect and gratitude to each Spirit who came through with their cherished psychic messages.

As you can see from this photo, it was a very special night full of Spirit.

A few surprises with Spirit connecting through the scent of perfume, cheekiness, health related issues and emotional insights.

Very much looking forward to our 2nd Into the Light event coming soon…Friday 29th June at 10.15am for 10.30am start.

To reserve your seat please contact Christine of Gawler Healing Arts Hub on 0432118040 – seats are limited.

Or contact me now for your personal medium/psychic reading/consultation to connect your cherished loved ones.


Into the Light

Into the Light

                           Into the Light

 ‘An Evening of


‘Into the


Messages of Love, Comfort, Validation, Healing, Spiritual Guidance and Intuitive Insights from Spirit…

Loved Ones who are no longer in this physical/earth plane wishing to contact you!

Come join Di, Chris and Spirit

at Chris’s new Gawler Healing Arts Studio for an evening of Mediumship.


Medium: Di Goulding of Inspired by Spirit

– Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Energy Healer


Where: Gawler Healing Arts Hub

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Letter of Release

A very powerful and effective method – a ‘free tool’ to assist you with ‘releasing emotions’ which may be impairing your ability in moving forward. An opportunity to vent, discover and uncover beliefs, attitudes and hidden emotions that may be holding you back. That may be causing and creating dis-ease states either physically, emotionally or both preventing you from ‘letting go’ ‘healing’ and  ‘spiritually growing’!

You will require:

A strong, authentic, sincere desire, a clear focus to release and let go!

Yes it takes commitment! It’s a time of self-discovery and unfoldment!

You will also require –                                            

A pen                                 


A cup of tea or coffee

Preferably a quiet comfortable space

No distractions e.g. technology – phones, music, tv etc.

This is an opportunity to release all your pent-up emotions, negative thoughts and behaviours on all levels, without judgment or criticism from outside influences.

It is very important to follow the instructions closely for the best outcome.

The letter is not designed to be ‘kept, shared or sent’ to anybody!

It is an opportunity to let your thoughts flow intuitively, through giving yourself permission to ‘release’ all to the Universe and to allow your ‘healing’ to begin!

Continue reading

Transformation thru Infinity

‘Card 32’ ..Inspired by Spirit, channelled thru Di……

For further info please read my previous blog,  An Expression of Freedom through Illness

Spirit Inspired this piece of tribal looking art just prior to a Journal workshop I attended recently in July.

I had an overwhelming sense of urgency to create this infinity sign over and over again.

Time was short on that particular morning however ‘Spirit’ was strong, reassuring and insistent.

The beautiful correlation and connection here was the workshop presenter spoke consistently throughout the afternoon how we are all connected and how we are all ‘One’.

How our energy is infinite. Continue reading