
Choice an Exciting Gift

Choice a GiftCard No.: 30 ‘Choice an Exciting Gift’

A follow-up to my blog,  An Expression of Freedom through Illness.

Over the years I have spoken to countless people through my practice about the ‘gift of choice.’ A gift also known as freewill, that will provide freedom, happiness and balance.

Through choice the opportunity to say ‘yes to life’ or to say ‘no or stop’ when our boundaries need to be exercised. Continue reading

Are You Holding onto Past Emotional Hurts?

An old record player, playing the same old message over and over!Do you think about the past frequently?

It is not uncommon!

However, are these experiences and thoughts keeping you stuck?

Stuck in fear, guilt, resentment, judgement and worry can be very damaging.

Damaging  to you emotionally, and physically.

These continual thought patterns can fester into problems of  depression, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, low energy reserves, poor eating habits and immune system problems, just to name a few. Creating and fuelling added stress and tension to your life Continue reading

Creating Transformation in your Life!


A Time to ReflectLetter of Release is an opportunity to create ‘Transformation in your Life’!

For many years now I have encouraged my clients and patients to invest a few minutes of their time, your time, into doing a Letter of Release.

I hear you say what is a Letter of Release?

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Acceptance is not always a easy lesson!

Inspirational Bouquet

When all is well you can accept that.

When things, experiences and people challenge you on whatever level that may be, that may create some dis-cord, dis-harmony, dis-ease in your life.

What is important is how you react to those challenges.

Perhaps it’s taking a few deep breaths, counting to ten,  centre-ing yourself, releasing judgements and expectations that will help find your inner balance which assist with em-powering you and not dis-empowering you.

Many years ago I received these words of wisdom at workshop…

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How being grateful can empower your life

Through Daily Gratitude we learn to Appreciate and give ThanksAn Attitude to Gratitude Journal

Everyday, yes everyday,  if you truly wish to empower your life,  I strongly suggest you start acknowledging and giving thanks for your daily blessings!

A very easy exercise.

Requirements – one pen, one journal – make it something personal and special.

5 – 10 minutes of your time – a lot less time required when you master it! Suggestion – last thing at night, or first thing in the morning while you are still in bed.

Also required….. Continue reading