Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael wears a suit of armour and holds a sword and a shield.
This uniform symbolises and reflects his ability to provide protection, inner-strength to combat negativity such as stress, isolation, anger, anxiety, conflict, depression, disease and fear. Plus courage to stand our ground, heal and move forward.
Archangel Michael additionally knows the intimate details of your Divine life purpose, which we are all born with.
His name actually means ‘He who is like God’.
In fact when you call upon him and ask for his assistance you are working with the right hand of the Creator, God, Grace, the Universe, Great Mystery, Higher Wisdom.
When you call upon him he will be there because he has the ability to be unlimited!
Are You Holding onto Past Emotional Hurts?
Do you think about the past frequently?
It is not uncommon!
However, are these experiences and thoughts keeping you stuck?
Stuck in fear, guilt, resentment, judgement and worry can be very damaging.
Damaging to you emotionally, and physically.
These continual thought patterns can fester into problems of depression, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, low energy reserves, poor eating habits and immune system problems, just to name a few. Creating and fuelling added stress and tension to your life Continue reading
Come to the Edge!
You Never Know…..
What you might achieve until you stretch yourself. Continue reading
7 Steps to Spiritual Healing
Let’s talk about Spiritual Healing and what that means to you?
It’s an interesting question to explore?
Let’s break it down into steps!
First step, is to identify, recognize and validate the concept that you are a spiritual being!
Secondly, you acknowledge that you are a complete package made up of mind, body and soul.
Thirdly, that if you are seeking some form of Spiritual Healing it’s because you realize and accept that you cannot separate your physical health from your emotional, mental and spiritual state of wellbeing. Continue reading
Let your Soul’s Light Shine
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, Not our darkness, That most frightens us. Continue reading
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Every now and then whether we choose to or whether we are encouraged too… or perhaps with a boot in the backside from the Universe, you will find yourself stepping out or being pushed out, of familiar circumstances or circles.
It may be an invite somewhere to meet new friends, a new job, starting a new course, leaving home to live in a flat with mates, a change of address or career (or both), or perhaps more serious circumstances, such as a diagnosis of a dis-ease state, an unexpected turn of events, an accident, a marriage breakdown, an unplanned pregnancy, the empty nest syndrome, perhaps being made redundant, even retirement can be challenging. Continue reading
Children Learn What they Live
If a child lives with criticism,
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame…. Continue reading
What Would Love do Now?
Just recently I had an experience where I felt out of my comfort zone
I was suffering with
– dis-comfort
– dis-cord
I definitely was not in harmony
– dis -harmony was what I was feeling and experiencing, where I usually like control and order
– dis-order and chaos was reigning
– dis-array to my normally fairly organized world, was creating me to experience un-happiness, un-easiness, emotions associated with being irritated, frustrated and uptight!
And guess what? Continue reading