‘More than Coffee and Inspired by Spirit’ Gift Certificates available now!
On Sale Now for Xmas!
Great Value for 2 hours of
* Spiritual guidance and Intuitive Insights
* Clairvoyance and Psychic Readings
* Plus Coffee and Heavenly Nibbles
* Group Bookings available
Where: Gawler Relaxation and Healing Haven
Shop 6/40 Murray Street, Gawler
or perhaps you would prefer to have a private consultation with me
On Sale Now for Xmas!
$90.00 for a personal appointment
*Also available as a Gift Certificate for Xmas
including a Mystery Gift as a bonus Xmas Present to the value of $10.00….Great Value!
Contact me on Facebook on my ‘More than Coffee’ page or ‘Ínspired by Spirit’ page to order your certificate or to register your interest!
Or at 85230559
e: di@inspiredbyspirit.com.au
Remember: When you take a step towards the Universe it will take 10 steps towards you!
Merry Xmas Everyone!
#8 ‘More Than Coffee’
My last ‘More than Coffee’ session was last Tuesday the 18th of November, 2014 for the year!
This meeting was held at Gawler Relaxation and Healing Haven, in Murray Street, Gawler.
We 6 ladies had a truly inspiration, angelic, clairvoyant morning.
This was my last ‘More than Coffee’ for the year. 
It has been a busy year with 8 meetings all up.
Tuesday was a great reminder to me why I started these meetings.
An opportunity to connect like-minded people who are spiritually aware and looking to expand and open up to their psychic insights, spiritual messages from loved-ones who have passed, intuition, spirit guides and guardian angels.
It never ceases to amaze me that the people who come together on the day, are so connected on so many levels and go on to keep those connections open through Facebook and coffee catch-ups etc.
So if you would like to join me next year on January the 20th, 2015 please watch this blog and register your interest on Facebook at ‘More than Coffee’ or at ‘Inspired by Spirit’.
And of course you can contact me direct on 85230559 or di@inspiredbyspirit.com.au
Remember: When you take one step towards to the Universe, the Universe will take 10 steps towards you!
Just a gentle reminder from your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides to ‘listen’ and ‘take action’ where prompted.’ Continue reading