More than Coffee *Update*
Last Tuesday at Conversations Cafe we 4 ladies had a lovely morning ‘Celebrating Life and Divine Guidance’ combined with some ‘heavenly nibbles’.

More than Coffee – Spiritual Travellers
It was an amazing 2 hours of Divine Inspiration, Spiritual
Guidance, Angelic Connections, Mediumship, Clairvoyance and sharing ‘heavenly nibbles’…….
More Than Coffee
If you would like to join me for an ‘Inspired by Spirit’ morning
of ‘More Than Coffee’ at Conversations Café on each 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 10.30am for a 2 hour session of coffee, nibbles, Spiritual Insights, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Angelic Guidance and Messages from beyond.
This is new and exciting format, and something that ‘Spirit’ has been encouraging me to do for some time. Continue reading
I Love Spirit
Di’s Experience
Spirit has a beautiful way of presenting channelled information to me during consults. Always delivered with compassion, understanding, guided insights, options, wrapped in love with a sprinkle of laughter!
I receive lots of visuals – a little like watching TV really! Known as Clairvoyance!
Spirit sharpens my intuitive senses through smells and tastes – e.g. cigarette smoke, the aroma of a rose or the taste of warm apple pie – YUM!
Including heightening my sense of feeling to the point of receiving physical aches and pains of the person who has passed. Known as Clairsentience!
And of course I hear ‘Spirit’. Known as Clairaudience!
For many years I use to ‘hear’ the word ‘LISTEN’. Continue reading
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael wears a suit of armour and holds a sword and a shield. 
This uniform symbolises and reflects his ability to provide protection, inner-strength to combat negativity such as stress, isolation, anger, anxiety, conflict, depression, disease and fear. Plus courage to stand our ground, heal and move forward.
Archangel Michael additionally knows the intimate details of your Divine life purpose, which we are all born with.
His name actually means ‘He who is like God’.
In fact when you call upon him and ask for his assistance you are working with the right hand of the Creator, God, Grace, the Universe, Great Mystery, Higher Wisdom.
When you call upon him he will be there because he has the ability to be unlimited!
Bath of Love and Nurturing
Card No.: 27 ‘Time Out’
A follow-up to my blog, An Expression of Freedom through Illness.
When was the last time you invested into you thru ‘time out’?
Had a bubble bath or a soak in the bath infused with bath crystals?
Have you underestimated how important this gift of time is for your body, your sacred temple?
Time to unwind, relax, rest, release emotions and rejuvenate your physical body. To get in touch with your intuition and release stress. Continue reading
Trusting your Intuition – Learning to Listen to Your Inner Voice
Your Intuition is a very powerful tool and guidance system assisting you in living a happy fulfilled life through effective decision-making and choices.
Intuition is commonly known as the 6th sense, which we all possess, however we do not always listen to or trust and act on.
It is a deep-rooted ‘gut feeling’ that surfaces everyday and is invaluable in making decisions, both big and small.
Albert Einstein, in a 1918 speech explained Continue reading
A Horsey story with an Intuitive Twist!

Horses and more horses!
Intuition an opportunity, a link to your higher consciousness, Divine Guidance, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides.
This year, 2011 is a wonderful opportunity to connect to your intuition and inner guidance.
Each and every moment is a new opportunity waiting for you to connect, trust and act on your personal truth.
To expand your intuition, you need to give yourself permission to move away from Continue reading