second sight
You are Clairvoyant!
Published October 18, 2010 | By Di Goulding - Inspired to Share
What is Clairvoyance?
The ability to see beings, objects or know information from some other dimension, including spirits, guides and guardian angels or sometimes, future events.
Sometimes, this is called or referred to as ‘second sight’.
A ability to perceive a wider range of input and frequencies than our normal five senses. Continue reading →
Posted in Angels, Clairvoyant Spiritual Healing | Tagged adding value, angel, Archangel Raziel, cake, candle, challenges, Clairvoyance, dimension, divine, empowerment, faith, feel, God, guidance, heart, ingredients, intent, journey, let go, listen, manifestation, mind, patience, prayer, problems, process, psychic, Release, sanctuary, second sight, secret, sight, spiritual, thanks, trust, Universe, worries
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0451 721 907
10 Wintulich ave. Gawler East, SA 5118 or SKYPE
0451 721 907
10 Wintulich ave. Gawler East, SA 5118 or SKYPE
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