
Mediumship – A Gift I Am very Grateful for!
Being a voice for Spirit is wonderful!
To pass on evidential messages of validation from spirit provides not only my clients valuable healing through peace of mind.
It is an opportunity to deliver meaningful messages from our loved ones in Spirit.
Need some assistance to connect to your loved one – contact me today!

Nothing is impossible – found this photo of this beautiful double rainbow.
Spirit Symbol!
If you look closely there are two. Every now and then when I work Spirit they will make mention of a connection to a rainbow as a symbol they wish to be connected and remembered by. Is this symbol speaking to you?
Need some assistance to connect to loved ones contact me today for your consultation.
Mediumship – Spirit in Action!
Mediumship – Spirit in Action!
Connecting Heaven with Earth.
Need to contact a loved one who has passed?
Contact me today for your appointment and your connection!
Mediumship and Mothers
A comment received from my facebook page – Inspired by Spirit –
Rachel Black I remember visiting you and my mum (dead) had bothered you all day as she waited for me. It was a tremendous visit.
Inspired by Spirit Hi Rachel well it is 4.40am and I have been awake since 3.00am – the reason I have been awake is recently I had 2 clients both with issues around their mothers. One Mum on the other-side and one living however the parallels were the same – in these cases ‘un-forgiveness’ was the locked door separating them from making contact. For the Mum that was here, well that could have been a phone call, a letter, a visit! For the Mum who had moved on into the next world – I was the voice, the Medium bridging the gap. For the Mum in Spirit by the end of the visit/consult there was a huge shift for not only my client but for the Mum who had passed. For the 1st time in years the key of forgiveness was put into the locked door, turned, opened and both parent and child bridged a huge gap – A quantum leap of faith was taken and a massive shift in energy and consciousness was bridged bringing peace, comfort and healing.
I remember your visit with your Mum – a consult full of love, such a special bond, a very fortunate beautiful heartfelt connection!!💕 In as much not all consults are the same I feel privileged to be apart of all 3 consults – I know Spirit is so willing to connect with love, find a resolution whether it is now on this earthly plane or whether it is from the World of Spirit!
So sending you blessings for your comments as I did how to put this out there and the importance of connecting with love.
Contact Di for your Mediumship reading – for your leap of faith!
Into the Light
‘An Evening of
‘Into the
Messages of Love, Comfort, Validation, Healing, Spiritual Guidance and Intuitive Insights from Spirit…
Loved Ones who are no longer in this physical/earth plane wishing to contact you!
Come join Di, Chris and Spirit
at Chris’s new Gawler Healing Arts Studio for an evening of Mediumship.
Medium: Di Goulding of Inspired by Spirit
– Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Energy Healer
Where: Gawler Healing Arts Hub
The Monkey Nut Café – Psychic Night
Recently I spent an evening as a reader at The Monkey Nut Café in Lyndoch in the Barossa Valley.
Had an amazing 1st time there focusing on Mediumship.
Read for 6 lovely ladies who had booked in for the evening.
A night of great food, drinks and spirit based messages from the other side.
It never ceases to amaze me, of the clarity and sincerity of spirit.
Conveying heartfelt messages of love and validation.
There were messages containing both current events and past experiences of those who I read for. Continue reading
Winter Spiritual Update – 2016
Many doors have opened for me…
over the last few months with studying, working, project managing our new extension, and creating a weekly Spiritual Development Circle. You may have seen our weekly posts on Facebook ‘Inspired by Spirit’ page!
After studying and completing a Certificate Course with James Van Praagh – Medium: School of Mystical Arts and John Edward – Psychic Medium ‘Project You’ self development and spiritual evolvement course – both world renown internationally known Mediums in America.
These courses have taken me to a whole new level of spiritual understanding, education, compassion and a psychic skill set. Expanding and extending my existing Mediumship abilities, Clairvoyant Spiritual Healing, and Intuitive Counselling skills.
What does this mean for you?
Well this adds value to your spiritual consults, healing experiences, validations of loved ones who have passed by giving ‘Spirit’ a voice!
An hour’s consult can be life changing – an amazing priceless gift of peace, love, support, validation and healing to a grieving heart.
For me this has been an exceptionally exciting chapter in my life. Adding to my passion Continue reading
Mediumship News Update
I am over the moon!
…to be sharing the exciting news that I have just completed an 8 week course with American Medium – James Van Praagh through his School of Mystical Arts.
Many of you may know James as a world famous international Medium, author, spiritual teacher, who tours the world sharing his amazing mediumship readings with live audiences over the past 35 years.
His resume also includes social media, TV and radio interviews. A 5 year position as Spiritual Consultant with the Ghost Whisperer television series, starring Jennifer Love-Hewitt.
James dedication, love of people and spirit has provided astoundingly accurate powerful messages giving comfort, validation, peace of mind. Assisting thousands of people directly and indirectly with healing and transformation to move forward through grief to live a more fulfilled, happier life!
I feel very privileged
to be one of his first students Continue reading
‘More than Coffee’ #5 – Update
Wow what great morning with a full house!
A new format, combining intuitive education, psychic insights and awareness of Divine Guidance, Angelic Messages, Life Purpose offering ‘Spiritual Opportunities Solutions’ for areas of life needing a little angelic assistance.
Bringing new people together, but also those who have career links and past connections!
I Love Spirit
Di’s Experience
Spirit has a beautiful way of presenting channelled information to me during consults. Always delivered with compassion, understanding, guided insights, options, wrapped in love with a sprinkle of laughter!
I receive lots of visuals – a little like watching TV really! Known as Clairvoyance!
Spirit sharpens my intuitive senses through smells and tastes – e.g. cigarette smoke, the aroma of a rose or the taste of warm apple pie – YUM!
Including heightening my sense of feeling to the point of receiving physical aches and pains of the person who has passed. Known as Clairsentience!
And of course I hear ‘Spirit’. Known as Clairaudience!
For many years I use to ‘hear’ the word ‘LISTEN’. Continue reading