
An Interview with a Gawler Medium

The World of Spirit


Q.  What are the benefits of coming to see a Medium?

A. Firstly because of the nature of the work I provide.

I act as channel bridging a gap between this world and the next.

Q.  How do I know that you and the information is genuine?

A.   It doesn’t long to work out that the information is accurate and how it connects to you or your family.

For instance the soul who has passed may show a familiar scene. Continue reading

Transformation thru Infinity

‘Card 32’ ..Inspired by Spirit, channelled thru Di……

For further info please read my previous blog,  An Expression of Freedom through Illness

Spirit Inspired this piece of tribal looking art just prior to a Journal workshop I attended recently in July.

I had an overwhelming sense of urgency to create this infinity sign over and over again.

Time was short on that particular morning however ‘Spirit’ was strong, reassuring and insistent.

The beautiful correlation and connection here was the workshop presenter spoke consistently throughout the afternoon how we are all connected and how we are all ‘One’.

How our energy is infinite. Continue reading

Transformation through Intuitive Divine Guidance

Be the change in the World, you with to see - what the caterpillar calls the end of it's life, the butterly calls the beginning‘Inspired by Spirit’ what does that mean to you?

When I was looking for a name for my Spiritual Consulting practice, the name Inspired by Spirit popped into my head almost immediately.

If you have ever filled out a form to register a business name you will be familiar with practice of providing 3 different names for consideration for registration.

It was actually challenging to find 2 other names because I knew in my heart and soul this was the name that was a true fit for what I do and offer to you.

You just know, Continue reading

Sometimes Heaven can’t Wait!

Divine Timing - Angel WingsWhat to expect when you attend an appointment with Di Goulding.

Initially, I will tap into your energies from the time you initially contact me!

 Your spirit guides, guardian angels and mine are very enthusiastic and motivated to start the moment that first contact is made.

Sometimes, they have been waiting for this opportunity of Divine timing for sometime! Continue reading