Letter of Release
A very powerful and effective method – a ‘free tool’ to assist you with ‘releasing emotions’ which may be impairing your ability in moving forward. An opportunity to vent, discover and uncover beliefs, attitudes and hidden emotions that may be holding you back. That may be causing and creating dis-ease states either physically, emotionally or both preventing you from ‘letting go’ ‘healing’ and ‘spiritually growing’!
You will require:
A strong, authentic, sincere desire, a clear focus to release and let go!
Yes it takes commitment! It’s a time of self-discovery and unfoldment!
A pen
A cup of tea or coffee
Preferably a quiet comfortable space
No distractions e.g. technology – phones, music, tv etc.
This is an opportunity to release all your pent-up emotions, negative thoughts and behaviours on all levels, without judgment or criticism from outside influences.
It is very important to follow the instructions closely for the best outcome.
The letter is not designed to be ‘kept, shared or sent’ to anybody!
It is an opportunity to let your thoughts flow intuitively, through giving yourself permission to ‘release’ all to the Universe and to allow your ‘healing’ to begin!
A Christmas Message to Spirituality Empower You.
Christmas is a wonderful time of year for getting together with family and friends.
You can create great opportunities to catch up, exchange gifts.
Share the latest news, laughter, memories, festive food and drinks.
Or perhaps Christmas for you, may be a time that’s emotionally challenging or friction charged.
You may find catching up with family and friends difficult due to a whole host of reasons.
Old wounds and arguments that flare up Continue reading
Come to the Edge!
You Never Know…..
What you might achieve until you stretch yourself. Continue reading