
Intuition, Clairvoyance, Psychic Abilities, 6th Sense

Horses and more horses!

are all links, connections and communication with the Universe, higher consciousness, Divine Guidance, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides!

Each and every moment is a new opportunity waiting for you to connect, trust and act on your personal truth and direction.

To expand your intuition, you need to give yourself permission to move away from your logic and your judgment.

Our logic, albeit essential, has a good way of squashing our intuition.

Justification and denial tend to dominate and dismiss our intuitive thoughts as pure imagination or fantasy. Judgment of self and others will only damage this journey to opening to intuition and further limitless opportunities.

Time invested into imagination through meditation, walking, soaking in the bath, being creative will provide dividends in nurturing and developing your intuition.

My suggestion is to buy a pack of Angel cards. Start talking to your guides, ask questions, and invest time into your intuitive energy.

My Experience:

In 1992 I attended a 3-day course in Queensland, called Mind-Tec.

The object of the course was to realize how powerful our minds were.

‘That thoughts are things’, vibrations that we put out there!

Thoughts that ultimately create our reality! Also how we are all inter-connected! About the Law of Attraction!

It was the last afternoon of the workshop and I felt the need to go outside Continue reading

Letter of Release

A very powerful and effective method – a ‘free tool’ to assist you with ‘releasing emotions’ which may be impairing your ability in moving forward. An opportunity to vent, discover and uncover beliefs, attitudes and hidden emotions that may be holding you back. That may be causing and creating dis-ease states either physically, emotionally or both preventing you from ‘letting go’ ‘healing’ and  ‘spiritually growing’!

You will require:

A strong, authentic, sincere desire, a clear focus to release and let go!

Yes it takes commitment! It’s a time of self-discovery and unfoldment!

You will also require –                                            

A pen                                 


A cup of tea or coffee

Preferably a quiet comfortable space

No distractions e.g. technology – phones, music, tv etc.

This is an opportunity to release all your pent-up emotions, negative thoughts and behaviours on all levels, without judgment or criticism from outside influences.

It is very important to follow the instructions closely for the best outcome.

The letter is not designed to be ‘kept, shared or sent’ to anybody!

It is an opportunity to let your thoughts flow intuitively, through giving yourself permission to ‘release’ all to the Universe and to allow your ‘healing’ to begin!

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Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael wears a suit of armour and holds a sword and a shield.    #12 Archangel Michael

This uniform symbolises and reflects his ability to provide protection, inner-strength to combat negativity such as stress, isolation, anger, anxiety, conflict, depression, disease and fear. Plus courage to stand our ground, heal and move forward.

Archangel Michael additionally knows the intimate details of your Divine life purpose, which we are all born with.

His name actually means ‘He who is like God’.

In fact when you call upon him and ask for his assistance you are working with the right hand of the Creator, God, Grace, the Universe, Great Mystery, Higher Wisdom.

When you call upon him he will be there because he has the ability to be unlimited!

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Chakra Balancing

A follow-up to my blog,  An Expression of Freedom through Illness.

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What is Chakra balancing?

Well we all know that we have a physical body composed of major organs, muscles, blood, bones, skin, hair, hormones, nerves etc.

Did you know we also have an energetic body or aura, besides a physical body, which from time to time may become blocked, clogged, weighed down emotionally or just plain rusty which then may require clearing, cleansing and balancing.

Our energy body or aura consists of Chakras. The term Chakras is an old ancient Indian Sanskrit word referring to invisible energy wheels of light. Continue reading

The Healing Code

The Healing Code

Written by Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson.

When Dr. Alex Loyd began a quest to find a solution to his wife’s depression I am sure he never anticipated the journey it would take him on.

In that quest for health and true healing he discovered a practical Energy Healing Code that anyone can subscribe too!

A simple 6-minute hand movement technique – which is the Healing Code itself, accompanied by what I have coined an Action Prayer or a Healing Intent, Continue reading

Trusting your Intuition – Learning to Listen to Your Inner Voice

An angel listening to your heartYour Intuition is a very powerful tool and guidance system assisting you in living a happy fulfilled life through effective decision-making and choices.

Intuition is commonly known as the 6th sense, which we all possess, however we do not always listen to or trust and act on.

It is a deep-rooted ‘gut feeling’ that surfaces everyday and is invaluable in making decisions, both big and small.

Albert Einstein, in a 1918 speech explained Continue reading

A Horsey story with an Intuitive Twist!

Horses and more horses!

Horses and more horses!

Intuition an opportunity, a link to your higher consciousness, Divine Guidance, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides.

This year, 2011 is a wonderful opportunity to connect to your intuition and inner guidance.

Each and every moment is a new opportunity waiting for you to connect, trust and act on your personal truth.

To expand your intuition, you need to give yourself permission to move away from Continue reading

A Christmas Message to Spirituality Empower You.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year for getting together with family and friends.

Christmas a time to share with family and friendsYou can create great opportunities to catch up, exchange gifts.
Share the latest news, laughter, memories, festive food and drinks.

Or perhaps Christmas for you, may be a time that’s emotionally challenging or friction charged.

You may find catching up with family and friends difficult due to a whole host of reasons.

Old wounds and arguments that flare up Continue reading

A Simple Creative Visualization Meditation

Release your dream wrapped in a pink bubble or balloon!This meditation is easy and wonderfully effective!

Step One – remove or turn off any distractions.

Step Two – sit or lie down, make yourself comfy, in a quiet space.

Step Three –Close your eyes and breathe deeply, slowly and naturally.

Allow yourself to gradually relax into a deeper state of peace and serenity.

Step Four – Imagine something that you would like to manifest. Continue reading

Your True Radiance is always Shining

Your true radiance is always shining....it is only you that stands in the way!

Learning to Love Ourselves is the Greatest Love of All –  sung by Whitney Houston. When was the last time you truly listened to these words and took them on board for yourself?

As much as we try we cannot separate our physical health from our emotional, mental and spiritual state of being.

All levels are interconnected.

A disease or a lack of health is a reflection of conflict, anxiety, tension or disharmony within us! Continue reading