Acceptance is not always a easy lesson!

Inspirational Bouquet

When all is well you can accept that.

When things, experiences and people challenge you on whatever level that may be, that may create some dis-cord, dis-harmony, dis-ease in your life.

What is important is how you react to those challenges.

Perhaps it’s taking a few deep breaths, counting to ten,  centre-ing yourself, releasing judgements and expectations that will help find your inner balance which assist with em-powering you and not dis-empowering you.

Many years ago I received these words of wisdom at workshop…

They serve as a constant reminder to ‘accept’ everyone, to stop judging and to focus in on my own life.

Because when we realize that we cannot change anybody else’s life or response to life, only our response to what’s happening…

that’s Acceptance.

It is extremely difficult is it not to accept what you perceive as the cruel, the hurtful and the seemingly stupid things that others do?

At these times, acceptance does appear to be a very difficult attribute to build into yourselves.

It is all very easy to accept those who are kind; those who are helpful; those who are thoughtful, and those who are endeavouring to spread light and goodwill.

And yet it is equally as important to accept those who are critical, who are harsh, who are downright cruel and who are very separatist in their attitudes.

Perhaps for them it is even more necessary to send out your love and goodwill for it may aid them on an inner level and they may pick up something inwardly which well help them to change their attitudes, whereas your disapproval and criticism will do nothing positive at all.

All you really need to do is to emanate love and goodwill to all and this will go out to help heal the world.

Many spiritually – minded people would like to be ‘healers’, never thinking for one moment that by their general attitude to and acceptance of others, they are quite automatically healing – for after all, is not improving human relationships a form of healing?

And this can be done at all times in all places when your love and acceptance of all is operating.

Your healing work can be something as simple as a kind though, a smile or a friendly word and does not need to have limited application in any way.

Contact me now for your spiritual consult, psychic reading, intuitive insights and angelic connections

Remember when you take a step towards the Universe it takes 10 steps towards you.

delivered with

Love and Light

Di Goulding

Clairvoyant Spiritual Healer


*Gawler, Barossa Valley, Northern Suburbs and Districts

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