An Expression of Freedom through Illness

Card No.: 22 The Universal Ear

Hi fellow Spiritual like-minded souls, I have been working on my life’s purpose through a journey of health and healing. Recently I had an eye operation, which hopefully will correct some blurred vision I have been challenged by for the last 12 months. Like many health issues it has been a wake up call, an opportunity to fulfil and change some areas of my life. Through a series of questions, re-evaluations, spiritual healing’s, intuition and medical intervention, I have to say this health issue has been a blessing in disguise. It has made me dig deep physically, emotionally and spiritually.

‘A wake up call’

to assist me to move in new directions with a fresh view, deeper wisdom and an ‘Attitude to Gratitude’ towards health, happiness and contentment. Life is constantly testing, probing, presenting challenges, opportunities and changes, some orchestrated by me and some directed by the Universe. One of the changes through my rest and recuperation period has been to start painting some pictures ‘Inspired by Spirit’.

With a new affirmation and attitude of

‘I am imperfectly perfect’!

This new approach has given me permission to have fun and provide myself an outlet to express my unique authentic self without the voice of self-doubt and criticism from a nagging ego. So if you have a health problem that you are simply ignoring, willing to heal or judging as being negative, painful and inconvenient, perhaps it is time to begin to get serious about examining it in it’s entirety.  Perhaps it is time to allow the message behind the illness to emerge. Once acknowledged then it truly has an opportunity to heal and for you to return to wholistic health on a Mind, Body and Soul level.

Our health or lack of it is a message in disguise, are you listening?

Contact me today for an appointment for further clarity, guidance and wisdom.

A BIG THANKYOU to everyone for your wonderful support, assistance, love and blessings.

I continually say to my clients if you take one step towards the Universe it will take 10 steps towards you.

Contact me now for your clairvoyant spiritual healing, psychic reading, intuitive insights and angelic connections

delivered with

Love and Light

Di Goulding

Clairvoyant   Energy Healer

Medium    Psychic


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