Letter of Release

A very powerful and effective method – a ‘free tool’ to assist you with ‘releasing emotions’ which may be impairing your ability in moving forward. An opportunity to vent, discover and uncover beliefs, attitudes and hidden emotions that may be holding you back. That may be causing and creating dis-ease states either physically, emotionally or both preventing you from ‘letting go’ ‘healing’ and  ‘spiritually growing’!

You will require:

A strong, authentic, sincere desire, a clear focus to release and let go!

Yes it takes commitment! It’s a time of self-discovery and unfoldment!

You will also require –                                            

A pen                                 


A cup of tea or coffee

Preferably a quiet comfortable space

No distractions e.g. technology – phones, music, tv etc.

This is an opportunity to release all your pent-up emotions, negative thoughts and behaviours on all levels, without judgment or criticism from outside influences.

It is very important to follow the instructions closely for the best outcome.

The letter is not designed to be ‘kept, shared or sent’ to anybody!

It is an opportunity to let your thoughts flow intuitively, through giving yourself permission to ‘release’ all to the Universe and to allow your ‘healing’ to begin!

Firstly, address your ‘letter of release’ to the emotions, challenges, self-sabotaging abuse patterns (alcoholism, drugs, self-harm, smoking habits, eating patterns etc) frustration, dis-harmony, health symptoms, diagnosis, dis-ease, life’s experience, grief, anxiety, impatience, depression, person concerned – relative, lover, neighbour, co-worker, friend etc.

Once you have transferred and vented all your thoughts, emotions, pain, anger, guilt, rejection, resentment, grief, disappointment, dis-ease etc to paper, which in the big picture may take several letters of release, over a period of time. It is now time to finish with a positive statement or affirmation relative to your content!

I give myself permission to …heal, …forgive, …detach and move forward, this where you sign your name – taking ownership of what has happened! This is a big step forward!

Remember to also date it to make it official.

This gives you *permission and approval to moving into:

* healing  * a happier future  * forgiveness   * letting go of old patterns, habits, trappings etc.  * self approval * self love!

Now comes the fun part, you either rip it into a thousand pieces and flush it down the toilet OR burn it in a safe place and put the ashes on the garden.

Release it to the UNIVERSE!

TRUST it has been taken care of!

Congratulate yourself for taking the time, the effort, being courageous and understanding of your self and others!

If you find you are reluctant at any stage of the process, this is when you need to ask yourself…………. WHY?

What is holding you back?

What emotions are still lingering, what resistance are you hanging onto?

Are you truly ready to let go, to forgive, release, to heal, to move forward with your life?

Need a little help to get started, by all means contact me for your personal consultation!

Remember when you take one step towards the Universe…

It will take ten steps towards you!

It is all about ‘choice and freewill’ and a ‘willingness to release’!

A ‘willingness to surrender’ and to ‘let go and let grow’!

Make this year your year to embrace change!

delivered with

Love and Light

Di Goulding

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant,  Energy Healer

Wish for further validation or inspiration – checkout my ‘Testimonial Page’ on my website.