Messages of Sacred Totem Animals ‘The Eagle’

Messages of Sacred Totem Animals

‘The Eagle’ – One of the greatest

and most admired birds of prey and an inspiration to many societies.

They soar high in the skies above, they have excellent vision, great strength and power. They are excellent hunters.

They symbolically represent great power – Illumination of Spirit, Healing and Creation.

If this symbol is speaking to you ask yourself what within you is needing to awake – what needs illuminating, needs being heard, needs to be seen, needs support or perhaps requires healing?

What do you need take charge of?

What area of your life do you need to harness your power and be responsible for?

The Eagle will assist you in a heightened responsibility for your spiritual growth so you can move forward with vision.

Maybe it is time to harness your power, spread your wings and fly?

Contact me today for your consultation.