Remember too say out loud
‘I request an a MBO for…!

Most Benevolent Outcomes…

An incredible simple spiritual tool applicable for all purposes and manifesting of all positive goals.

From creating a carpark space, improving health, to finding a new employee, opening up a checkout lane and expanding connections with spirit!
Just to name a few… MBO’s. This spiritual tool has become an intricate part of my life in the last couple of months. And has become a definite part of my spiritual practice which I am Inspired to Share with you!

A very simple self-help tool to assist you to further connect to your guardian angels.

The guideline/process is as follows…
Say out loud…..

‘I request a MBO (for short) or a Most Benevolent Outcome (as I prefer to say) for ………………………………………………. *fill this space with your request, goal or desire.

Then finish with gratitude….

I finish with………

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
*By saying it 3 times you are amplifying your gratitude and appreciation to your Guardian Angel and the Universe.

Think of it as a letter you are sending at the post office, you have put the effort and energy into creating, sharing and sending your thoughts on paper to send out into the World! When you put the stamp on it and mail it you have trust and faith it will be processed, sent, delivered and received by the person you sent it too! Desired Outcome reached!

For you I would encourage you make your MBO request a well-worded thought, goal, desire or intent! A car park space is an easy starting point, perhaps start there as a practice and remember to give gratitude!

I also like to record my MBO’s in my Gratitude Journal as an extension of my appreciation and it helps me to stay focused as too all that the Universe supports in!

Have fun, enjoy the process, improve and enlighten your life, your direction with this beautiful easy tool!

Want to know more… make a time for a Inspired by Spirit consultation with me
or google Tom T. Moore the author or The Gentle Way books.

A Big Thank you to Tom T. Moore for introducing, sharing and inspiring with light technology his MBO process!